What is Aid?

The very question of the title of this blog was what left me wondering and inspired. These thoughts came about after reading Nicholas D. Kristof’s article, entitled How Can We Help the World’s Poor (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/22/books/review/Kristof-t.html?ref=nicholasdkristof&_r=1&). It spoke much about aid in a global sense.

Many believe that providing aid from the US to other countries is monetary, while others believe it is physical help. So I was trying to figure out where on the spectrum I was. The economists saying that it is crucial to have more funding. The opponents argue money may actually hurt them.

Reading their debates left me thinking why there was even a debate to begin with. Why is money always the issue? In order to figure out how to provide the best aid, why not simply ask them what they need. There’s no simple solution or one cure all for how to provide aid to all countries in need of it. Every country, just like the people in them, is unique. In order to understand how to help you need to understand them. You need to be a global citizen. This doesn’t mean writing a check every month or donating supplies for a school to be built. If that’s what they need, yes that helps.

But you can’t be sure until you find out. Being a global citizen means LEARNING. You must learn about the place, the people and the situation. Only then can you address what kind of aid needs to be given.

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